Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How can I run ClassVisualizer?
    - on Windows - by starting script: clsvis.bat
    - on Linux/MacOS/Unix - by starting script:

  2. How can I load classes to analyze?
    First, it's needed to add all required libraries by choosing File -> Add Required Libraries from the menu followed by choosing JAR file(s) or JARs root directory in the Open dialog. This step can be repeated many times until all libraries are added.
    Next, it's needed to load compiled classes by choosing File -> Load Classes from menu followed by choosing JAR file(s) or classes root directory in the Open dialog. This step can be repeated many times until all classes are loaded.
    Please take a look at demo of loading a library with its dependencies.

  3. How can I load classes from a module (jmod file)?
    Java classes cannot be loaded directly from a .jmod file. In order to achieve that, you have to perform the following steps:
    • if you cannot unzip the module, copy it as a .zip file
    • if you cannot unzip the .zip file, please delete its 4 first bytes
    • unzip the .zip file into a directory
    • choose File -> Load Classes -> from directory... from the menu of Class Visualizer
    • select classes subdirectory from the unpacked java module
    • you can ignore an error during loading of module-info class - it cannot be loaded and it's not a regular class

  4. How can I load a Maven-based application?
    In order to achieve that, perform the following steps:
    • build the application
    • choose File -> Add Required Libraries from the menu of Class Visualizer
    • choose the Maven repository (i.e. ~/.m2/repository)
    • choose File -> Load Classes -> from JAR files... from the menu of Class Visualizer
    • choose all relevant artifacts (JAR files or classes-directories) of the application
    Please also take a look at demo of loading a Maven-based web application.

  5. How can I load a Gradle-based application?
    In order to achieve that, perform the following steps:
    • build the application
    • choose File -> Add Required Libraries from the menu of Class Visualizer
    • choose the Gradle modules cache (i.e. ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2)
    • choose File -> Load Classes -> from JAR files... from the menu of Class Visualizer
    • choose all relevant artifacts (JAR files) from the build/libs subdirectory of the application

  6. Can I load web application (WAR) and/or enterprise application (EAR)?
    Yes. Those applications, however, can be load only in unpacked form.
    For an enterprise application, each desired module (JAR) has to be specified separately for loading.
    For a web application/module, its classes directory has to be specified for loading.
    Please take a look at demo of loading a Maven-based web application.

  7. Class Visualizer ends up with OutOfMemoryError during loading a project. What should I do?
    It means, that the default memory settings are not enough for the size of a project. You can increase them in the start script in the section Memory.